Improve call centers contact,skip voice response,save phone bill ( in Thailand)Call Zen will help you skip boring and time consuming voice response sy
Improve call centers contact,skip voice response,save phone bill ( in Thailand)
Call Zen will help you skip boring and time consuming voice response system for over 150 contact centers ( such as Banks , Telecoms , Credit card , Airlines ,and etc.) in Thailand.
We are adding more organizations per user request. No more need to listen to the tape voice
( Press 1 for this , Press 2 for ...... ) waste your time and phone bill.
Just pick or search from menu in this application will lead you to right person to contact without go through labyrinth of voice response system.
These are available functions in this application :
• The system will "automatically" press number to skip Call Center menu saving time and phone bill.
• We have gathered over than 150 contact centers in Thailand for emergency cases ( such as Banks , Telecoms , Credit card , Airlines ,Police, Fire Station and etc.)
• Menu is automatically update through net no need to update the application to get the updated call center menus
• Search function is available ( faster and easier to navigate )
• You can "save" favorite list for frequent uses ( Hold the press button to save from organization name )
• This version is currently function with Thai organizations
• Auto number detection is usable with normal phone. When you normal call out to the number that is in database the application will bring up the call center menu automatically
Any further comments and feedback are welcome at
Any organizations or companies is looking for a solution/system that will improve customer service capability that utilizing Smartphone interface please contact [email protected].